
Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Nominations and Remuneration Committee shall verify that the board member has fulfilled the criteria of competence, integrity, and financial safety. Further, the Committee shall verify that the candidate of the board member is experienced and qualified as the same is being considered upon his reappointment to this designation.
Title Name
President Ghazi Ahmad Al Osaimi
Member Mohammad Ahmad Al Ghannam
Member – Independent Roudhan Humoud Al-Roudhan

Audit Committee

The committee works to establish a culture of compliance within the company by ensuring the integrity and safety of the company’s financial reports, as well as ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the applicable internal control systems in the company.
Title Name
President – Independent Roudhan Humoud Al Rodhan
Member Abdulrazzaq Talal Razooqi
Member – Independent Mahmoud Abdelwahab Al Refaei

Risk Management Committee

The Committee develops policies and regulations for risk management, in accordance with the Company’s tendency to avoid the risks. This shall include identifying the internal or external factors that have led to such risks and developing ways to address them.
Title Name
President Nabeel Hamed Al Refaei
Member Abdelaziz Basil Al Zamil
Member – Independent Mahmoud Abdelwahab Al Refaei

Preventing conflicts of interest

The committee develops policies and regulations for risk management, in accordance with the company’s tendency to afford the risks. This shall include identifying the internal or external factors that have led to such risks and developing ways to address them.

Internal Audit

The Internal Audit Unit performs internal audit works according to a specific methodology of work based on the measurement of risk in all units, departments, sections, and businesses in the company, to understand the efficiency of internal controls and regulations and to increase the efficiency of the work within the company.

Protection of the rights of Shareholders

The purpose of this policy is to regulate the relationship between the Company and its stakeholders and to indicate the systems and special procedures.

Disclosure and transparency

Disclosure is the process of disclosing accurately all the financial and non-financial information that concerns the shareholders, investors, related parties, stakeholders, and the public.  Disclosure shall be periodical and immediate upon the occurrence of any incident, with all parties concerned receiving the information in a timely manner.

Protecting shareholders' rights

Gulf Custody Company shall treat all the shareholders who own the same type of shares with equality without discrimination, and in no event shall any of the shareholders’ rights be withheld from any category of shareholders.

Integrated Reporting

Integrated Reporting Systems constitute one of the effective tools in achieving the Company’s strategic objectives and thus creating institutional values.

Investor Affairs Unit

In compliance with the instructions of the Capital Markets Authority and as a part of the Corporate Governance Program, Gulf Custody Company has established an independent unit (Investor Affairs Unit) to communicate with shareholders and inform them of their rights, respond to their inquiries and provide them with the necessary information and reports.

For inquiries, please contact:

Head of the Investor Affairs Unit Gulf Custody Company: Mr. Fahad Abdulrahman Al Bedaiwi

Address:Kuwait – Sharq – Mubarak Al Kabeer st. – United Investment Building – 3rd Floor

Phone: +965 2250619

Fax: +965 22416289